Wednesday, March 31, 2010

#49 my job shadowing experience

My job shadowing experience was rather dull and boring. I went to the County Building, the state's attorney's office. I was not able to do many things because the legal system is a complex system that takes time to get things rolling. Mr. milhiser was unable to show us around because his case, the same case that i was supposed to watch, was taking a long time. It was not his fault he was busy, it was necessary for him to sit through the jury selection, which from what I hear is more boring than watching paint dry. So a nice man by the name of Bill Davis sat with me and my group and tried his best to entertain us. he answered questions for about an hour and then took us into a case where a man was on trial for some sort of battery and aggression. He was found not guilty.

Mr. Davis then took us back to the room and answered more questions for another hour. Then he took us on a tour of the building which was interesting. I met a few judges and naturally they loved me. I even met some cool lawyers and everyone answered my questions politely and agreed that I would be the best Supreme Court Chief Justice that America has ever had, and will ever have.

For lunch Mr. Davis (from now on referred to as bill) walked to Jimmy John's with me and Jeremy. I got a delicious sandwhich and a refreshing cherry coke. I also had a PBJ that I had baked myself. We went back to the grand jury conference room and ate lunch with other lawyers. They were all joking around and we met a man named Jeffrey. He told everyone his stories which were absolutely ridiculous. They were about experiences he had when he was in law school and some were from Georgia. Jeffrey was the most interesting part of the day.

I would not be surprised if I spent two thirds of my day in the conference room with Bill. The poor guy did his best but he was thrown a curve ball and did not know what to do. We were supposed to sit in on a child rapist case where a man was being prosecuted for supposedly raping a child. However, the main person in the bulding said we would not be able to sit in on the case even though we were already in there. he sent a rahter nasty lady to take us out of the room. I'll be honest she was not very pleasant and she gave a lot of attitude to Bill.many peropl said we could sit in but since the main guy said no, it terminated that idea.

So, of course i went back into the conference room with Bill and was asked more questions. I finally just left and went home because there was nothing to do and i had a baseball game. it felt good to get out of there and re-enter my life. I went home and then headed out to baseball, but that is beside the point.

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