Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Journal #33 reaction to whitman's Self

The author's article mentions how Walt Whitman is oftentimes egotistical in his writings. I can believe this because Whitman seems to make references to himself in many of his poems. The article also discusses how Whitman is inspired by true self, and not the kind of self that is unreliable or fake. True self is self that is the true meaning and character of a human being. Fake self is the kind of self that cannot be true or is not true. The author also describes how Whitman oftentimes has multiple personalities and style when it comes to his writings. He can be very egotistical in one piece of writing, and possibly more humble in the next. In some of his poems he compares life and death from a more death oriented perspective, and then in his next piece of literature, he may focus more on the life aspect. He even uses many religious examples and references from the bible often when he writes poems. I believe personally that religion is very important in defining self because religion helps to define a person's character. Character is very important in self because it is how you act and live. Religion aids in character because it effects how a person acts. Life and death are also very important in his writings. These he describes in many different forms, especially in his leaves of grass poems. In one poem titled, "As I Watch'd the Plowman Ploughing" he describes life and death through the raising and harvesting of crops. The planting of the crops represents the birth and life of a person. The harvesting of the crops represents the death of a person. The plants are ripped out of the ground, just as a persons soul is ripped out of their body when they die. Life and death are important in Self because they tie into religion and being true to your self. Religion factors into the way you live, and sometimes, the way you die and this helps to define a persons true self.

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