Monday, January 11, 2010

Journal #29 tested by nature

nature is seen by many people as harmless and full of beauty. They do not understand that nature can be a powerful force to be reckoned with. It was a few years ago that this event happened, although I was fortunate enough to not have to take part in this. It is a tragic event that has scarred everyone there. We were playing kick the can at the craven's house because they have a large pasture perfect for hiding, and oddly enough, cougar breeding.

The game was kick the can. anyone fortunate enough to live in a neighborhood with plenty of kids their age has probably played this game at one point or another. It is an American classic. In fact, my grandpa told me that he used to play it when he was a kid. Our game was set up at David Craven's house and this seemingly harmless game was about to take an unfortunate twist.

The round had been going on for some time no, I recall that Blake Martin and my little brother were "it" and I had one goal, to hide from them. I was behind the cars, skillfully hidden like a ninja in the shadows. The jail was empty up to this point, Im guessing that because Blake was never very good at being "it," in fact, it was always somewhat of a joke when he was.

Out of nowhere, I heard a loud crash! people began extracting themselves from their hiding spots, I took my time as to not give away my position, caution is always best. We went to the back of the house and saw that the tree house had fallen from the tree. I was standing next to my good friend and colleague Matthew Tomaw. The two of us began to laugh and when everyone else arrived on the scene they too began laughing. Joe Craven, who arrived last, was speechless.

The laughter continued another ten seconds when we were shocked to see Andrew Tomaw crawl out from the wreckage. We were in dis-beliefe... Andrew lifted up another piece of debris and Cale George, another classmate of mine crawled out to safety. Both of them were ok, but as it turned out, it was Blake's fault (of course) the house fell.

Donald Craven, a legend among men, and former NBA superstar, did not notice the wreckage for another two weeks. Somehow, he and mrs craven had not heard the ear splitting crash of the destruction. So, when he noticed it had collapsed, Joe blamed it on one of the storms that had recently passed through the area. They bought it...

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