Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Organized Religion

Organized religion is important for any society or culture to have in order to function properly. Religion brings the people in a society together and allows them to work together or worship together. This unity can be carried outside of the church and into everyday life so that people help each other out if there is a problem.
The Church is an important part of any culture. Virtually every culture ever to have existed has had some form of religion. It is crucial to the identity of the culture to have a religion because it allows them to be assossiated with that certain religion. Plus, it can unify the whole culture or civilization by all of the people having the same religion. It can even be on a smaller scale such as a small village or town. These places especially can be brought together in church because of religion.
When brought together by a common interest, in this case religion, people are more able to get along and become friends. Outside of church, the friendships created can be shown by helping out neighbors or other people that need help. This is shwon through acts of good deeds after a large storm wrecks havoc on an area. The community gets together and does what they can to help each other rebuild and move forward.
The Church can also scare people into behaving. This lessens the crime rate hopefully and keeps a large portion of the population behaving. When people go to church, they hear about how if they are bad or they do not behave they will be sent to some form of Hell. I can only assume that the vast majority of people to not want to be sent to Hell. Therefore, it is safe to say that most people will try to behave and not murder, steal, or cause problems for the ordinary good people.
Organized religion is an essential tool in maintaing an empire or running a counrty. It unites the people and brings communities together. Also, religion causes people to try and live as "holy" lives as they can.

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