Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Journal #6 Blame

Blame is when you put the responsibility or consequences on someone else so that you don't have to deal with it. It is often a negative thing and when placd upon someone it complicates matters for them greatly. Blame is usually placed on someone else by a person who is in trouble because they are trying to get out of the trouble they are in.
A good example of this can be found in The Crucible written by Arthur Miller. When Abigail, Betty, and the other gils are caught dancing and performing suspicious activities in the woods, the pretend that they see witches, spirits, and other village members with them. This allows them to get out of trouble because they are placing the fault on other people. The people being blamed by them are now the ones in trouble while they are seen as workers of God by rooting out the evil in the village.
Everybody, in one way or another, has experienced both sides of blame. It can be shown as simply as when you break something and you tell your mom it was one of your siblings, not you. Depending on whether or not your mom believes you, you get out of trouble and avoid the consequences, while your sibling gets the blame and is now in trouble.
If you have ever been blamed for something you have not done and gotten into trouble for it then you know first hand how fustrating it can be. This is frustrating because you try to prove your innocence but it doesn't seem to be doing any good. For instance, if yur mother is mad that the object got broken, and your sibling blames you, then your mother comes at you with a wrath and is not willing to listen. In my experience with this, I got lucky, I was only placed in time out for a short time. In some cases, the bad effects of blame can be much more harmful and destructive so you must always be careful. It is always better to just confess to your mistake because then you can keep a clean conscience. Lying causes things to get blown way out of proportion and things become much more difficult. When telling the truth you show that you are man (or woman) enough to admit to your mistakes and things are made much more simpler for everyone.

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