Thursday, September 3, 2009

Journal #3. To lose everything I own

I think it would be extremely difficult to lose everything I own. Since I'm in a routine everyday and used to this routine, to not be able to follow it because of some unforseen tragedy would be horrible. I can't even begin to imagine how my life would be affected. Every day I wake up and take a shower, then I eat breakfast. After that I put my contacts in and brush my teeth. Finally, I pack my boogbag and head for school. This is the same routine I've followed for many years. It's just what I'm used to.

If I lost my house and family in a fire or tornado my routines would be drastically changed and I would most likely find it hard to adapt. Just knowing that I have a home to go to always makes me feel so much better. For instance, If I have a bad day at school or am having a rough weekend, I just go home and take a nap on my bed or couch. If I were to lose those two places I would be totally lost. They are just my way of escaping from the problems I have until I'm ready to deal with them.

Also, if I were to lose my family I would also be totally lost. Without my parents to cook food and do my laundry, I would not be able to survive. Also, my older brothers are always there for me and give me advice or counseling whenever i need it. They are also the first to yell at me when I do something stupid. Without them I wouldn't know what to do. Their advice always helps me because they have already experienced all the things I am experiencing now.

I would like to pretend I would be able to adapt and survive if I lost everything but I doubt I could. I mean, honestly, if I lost my whole family and my house I would be all alone. It is hard for a sixteen year old boy to adapt to such a difficult life situation. Hopefully I'm never put in that situation.


  1. Routines are very important, and some people can be totally lost without them. Great point!

  2. I agree with would be hard to adjust to a new routine. Good job!

  3. I like how you went into detail about how all of the little everyday things that we take advantage of will be lost too! Don't worry though if that ever happens you know you'll make it through cause... duhhh...your Jace!!!!

  4. Jace, you are truly the best blogger of the century. You clearly prove this point in these first four journals. Im excited to see what you come up with next! Your classmates are truly blessed to be able to learn from your expertise!

  5. That's pretty funny . . . I was reading through your comments and noticed that you left yourself a comment. I do think you made a strong connection with the reality that routines are important to us, and the disruption of a routine can be devastating.
