Monday, September 28, 2009

Journal #8 Working with Partners

Working with another person or in a large group can be both good and bad. It is a good way to divide the amount of work that you have to do but it can also make coordinating everything much more difficult.
If you have a large project to do, it can be overwhelming if you have too much work to do. When you have a partner or a group of partners it reduces the amount of work that eveyrbody has to do. This is beneficial because then all you have to do is focus on one section and it is much smaller than having to work on the whole project by yourself.
However, sometimes working with a group or a partner can be a bad thing. If you get a partner that does not want to do the work, then it can become frustrating. Dealing with people like this is an important experience because they are everywhere. It is good to experience at least a few times since it provides valuable insight into the real world.
When dealing with an unproductive or unresponsive partner things can become much more stressful. This kind of behavior only piles on to the other sources of stress put on by the project and trying to tie everybody's pieces together. The best thing that can be done is to take things one step at a time and have an accurate plan that can be followed.
When you have a group or partner that is willing to do the work, things become much easier. Everybody takes a piece of the project and accomplishes what needs to be done. Then, they can all take the parts and combine them to make them the whole. These group projects slash the amount of work and time that would have been needed if it was not a group project. This type of group is not as bad as an uncooperative group but is just as essential to gaining real world experience.
Working with partners can be both a good and bad thing. If the group gets along then things can go smoothly but it can be a rough and bumpy ride if the group does not get along well.

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