Monday, September 14, 2009

Journal #5 My True Colors

I took the true colors personality test and it said that I am a blue. I think that this is a fair enough representation of me. Blues are pretty good at keeping cool and try to stay laid back as much as possible. They are good at keeping a level head and prefer to live drama and stress free. I think this representsa me well enough because I prefer to try and not let things get to me so I can get away from unecessary drama. I feel that this leads to a better life and it makes me happier when I don't have to deal with the added difficulties of drama.

When it comes to relationships with other people, blues tend to feel vulnerable in relationships. I don't think this totally describes me because everybody is like this to an extent. Therefore, I don't feel that this part describes me accurately but I can see examples that make it partially true. Blues, when it comes to relationships with others, try to find ways to make others like them and strengthen these relationships.

Even though I don't agree with the feeling vulnerable in relationships with friends, I can see how this applies to me because i always try to find ways to bring me closer to other people. I always find myself wondering how i think my relationships with my friends are going too. If something is wrong between us, or i feel something is wrong between us, then I begin to worry and try and find ways to fix it. Although, everybody does the exact same thing so I feel like that should not be something that sets me apart.

Another trait of someone in the blue category is that they are able to stay calm and keep a straight head. I feel like I have this ability but i can't lie, I also have the ability to mess up a pressure situation very badly. I do my best to give it my best shot but the situation usually ends up spiraling way out of control due to my efforts. That happens sometimes though so it is what it is.

I think I am accurately described as being in the blue category.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I was a blue too! sweet, and I really like how you talked about not liking drama and stress because I think that's a good thing for everyone to remember! I hate drama too!
