Thursday, February 18, 2010

Journal #39 Multi tasking

I feel that I am a decent multi-tasker. I would not say that I am a great multi tasker because I am easily distracted. I know that I do my best work when I am focused on one thing at a time and can finish everything faster that way. However, if I were forced to multi task I would not do as bad as alot of other people would. Most of my multitasking ability depends on what I am multi tasking on. If I am watching tv and doing homework than I fail miserably and accomplish very little because tv is much more entertaining. If I am doing math homework while im also doing other homework than I am ok because I am in my working mentality. Still, I don't want to brag and say that I am an exceptional multi tasker because that would be naive of me.

During speech class I often try and finish other homework assignments so that I can have less to do when I get home. However, this does not often work out because I need to be polite and listen while others are giving their presentations. This slows me down because I can only work in between speeches and their is almost no point in that because I am very distracted from my train of thought. It is nearly impossible for me to do any homework because almost all of it takes a great amount of concentration.

There are other times, when I am trying to type my blogs and the women that surround me try and flirt with me, also distract me and make it hard for me to think. I understand that it is not their fault but still, it would be much easier if I could have some time to do my work. If I were asked if I thought that I was a good multi tasker i would say yes, I am decent because I can hold my own when I need to. However, believe it or not, Im actually not an idiot and understand that multi tasking is dumb. My best work is brought out and i am at the peak of my effectivness when i am focusing on one thing at a time.

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