Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Journal #13 My favorites

What is it that makes something a favorite? Well, whatever it is, it varies from person to person. To be a favorite of someone that object/thought must be very important in one way or another to that specific person. Many people might agree that their favorite food is pizza, but overall everyone will not always agree on favorites. My favorite food is fettucini alfredo. If it has chicken in it then I still love it and will agree that it is just as good (chicken alfredo). My favorite soda has got to be Black Cherry soda, however, in a close second, it is Dr. Pepper. Other people will have different favorites than I do, it is just how we are wired together. Everybody like different things which is good because it creates variety.

Easily, my favorite day of the week is Saturday, this is because I greatly dis-like school. I hate getting up in the morning, I hate getting ready for school, and I hate school itself (Im not a fan of school). Honestly though, I enjoy school while I'm there, its just the homework and the fact that I have to be there that I hate about it. Otherwise, I am fine with having to go to school because I enjoy seeing and talking to people. That is why I enjoy Saturday so much. I can sleep in and relax, and hang out with my friends all day. I don't have to worry about school until sunday when I am forced to do all of my homework.

My favorite class is A.P. American History because I enjoy history alot and I am good in that class. My favorite sport is baseball, and it is the only high school sport that I still play. My favorite color is blue because red is too common for me. I know blue is very common too but I just like blue better. A very wide ranging favorite for many people is their favorite flavor of ice cream. I honestly don't care, I would prefer chocolate chip cookie dough but ill settle for chocolate or vanilla.

Having favorites different than those of the people around us adds variety to our lives and makes us unique.

1 comment:

  1. I like how much you talked about how all of our favorites are different and I really liked this statement..."That is why I enjoy Saturday so much. I can sleep in and relax, and hang out with my friends all day. I don't have to worry about school until sunday when I am forced to do all of my homework."
