Thursday, November 12, 2009

Journal #21 A Dream that seemed real

I have many dreams and frequently, they are nightmares. Dreams oftentimes seem realistic and when you awake from them, you might think they actually happened. This recently happened to me when I dreamed that I was in college and a few states away. It was a long dream and I remember going to class where i could hear the professor speaking, but could not understand the words. It was sort of like Charley Brown where the teacher speaks gibberish, only for me, unlike charley brown, I could not understand anything. I then took a test over that material and failed it miserably. Maybe it was my brain telling me that I suck at Spanish 3, or math, or science... Anyway, I then went to my dorm room and started watching tv but all of the channels were the rainbow color. I decided that nothing could be done so I sat on the couch and continued viewing the interesting color pattern.

When I woke up friom the dream and was lying in my bed, I remember that it was around 4:30 A.M. This is about two hours before I wake up for school. I could not go back to sleep because everything felt so strange. I still thought I was living in the dream at this point so I felt like an idiot for failing the test. I went down stairs because i felt to strange to go back to bed and whwen I got down I realized it was all a dream and i felt much better. I had a heart warming bowl of Fruity Dino-Bites. While eating my breakfast, which was the cereal mentioned abovE along with a nice glass of chocolate milk, I watched t.v. for a few hours and then went to school. School sucked because I was tired all day but that is what happens anyway so it wasn'rt too different.

Dreams can seem real sometimes and nightmares are no fun. When you wake up from them everything seems twisted and upside down. Here a fun fact, dreaming occurs in the REM stage of sleep. That stands for Rapid Eye Movement. During this stage thwe eyes rapidly move under the eyelids and this is totally normal.

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