Friday, November 6, 2009

Journal #19 Vengeance

Vengenace is the act of seeking revenge. Everybody does this at one point or another. For instance, When Benedict Arnold's treacherous plot to give up an important Continental Army base to the british, George Washington was furious. He sent his Aide, Colonel Alexander Hamilton, to find Arnold and bring him back to be made an example of. However, Arnold had already escaped to a British warship.

Washington failed to catch Arnold but he was exemplifying revenge.

How about the time the Arch Duke Ferdinand and Isabella were shot? That event led to a great period of the nineteen hundreds called World War 1. The events World War 1 led to an even more important factor, World War 2. This led to the Vietnam war due to the rise in communism and many other following events.

This shows that revenge is sometimes bad. However, in Star Wars, Revenge cam out good.

Darth Vader destoryed Princess Leia's homewrold of Alderan with the death star. The rebel Alliance decided this was not good and attacked the death star. Luke Skywalker destroyed the death star and exacted revenge for alderan. This was a good example of revenge.

Revenge can go both ways, but it usually just ends up making things worse. You should always try to talk things out like civilized people. Violence only leads to more violence. For instance, in los Angelos there are many gangs. Two very big rival gangs are the bloods and the crips. These gangs kill each other causing the other members to exact revenge, only making the situations worse. Innocent people sometimes get caught in the cross fire and that is never good. The name innocent implies that they have nothing to do with the event so its unfair they are caught up in it. This just goes to show that vengeance is not very good.

I am not a very good spokesperson for anti-vengeance because I get angry, just like everyone else, and want revenge. Sometimes I am able to calm myself down but sometimes you just gotta show people not to mess with you.

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