Wednesday, April 28, 2010

#49 faith

faith is an important part of everyones life. Yes, it even affects those people that are too cool to have a religion. I don't know if it is just be, but those people irk me to a great extent. They claim they have no faith but I feel that they are just doing it to try and be cool or different. Quite honestly it usually makes them wierde. I also greatly hate it when peopl over do religion. That is also very obnoxious because they take it all way to far. I personally sit in the middle of extremism and pure lack of faith. i believe in god and pray frequently but i don't feel i need to go around and try and disprove everyone elses faith. On the other hand, I also don't go around trying to convert people to my religion because i feel it is the individual persons choice. I don't like to discuss religion because it is usually boring to talk about and everyone gets angry. Plus I'm only seventeen and don't believe I have it within myself to make such a drastic choice. Well honestly I'm not afraid to be a hero! which changes everything but I'm gonna be honest, I have not been to church in awhile. I have to work all day on sunday so before everyone gets judgmental lets just calm down.

Well, now you know how i feel about religion and faith. don't get me wrong, I am not some egotistical seventeen year man here just ripping on the very fabric of society, im simply witing my blog
religion has an important and good impact on everyone's life but it also has many negative affects. Nobody can seem to agree on which religion is write and wrong so there are constantly wars being started due to religion. These wars have been going on for thousands of years. hundreds of years ago the crusades began between christians and muslims. The christians invaded muslim lands on religious grounds which now just seems blatantly unessacary.

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