Wednesday, April 28, 2010

#49 faith

faith is an important part of everyones life. Yes, it even affects those people that are too cool to have a religion. I don't know if it is just be, but those people irk me to a great extent. They claim they have no faith but I feel that they are just doing it to try and be cool or different. Quite honestly it usually makes them wierde. I also greatly hate it when peopl over do religion. That is also very obnoxious because they take it all way to far. I personally sit in the middle of extremism and pure lack of faith. i believe in god and pray frequently but i don't feel i need to go around and try and disprove everyone elses faith. On the other hand, I also don't go around trying to convert people to my religion because i feel it is the individual persons choice. I don't like to discuss religion because it is usually boring to talk about and everyone gets angry. Plus I'm only seventeen and don't believe I have it within myself to make such a drastic choice. Well honestly I'm not afraid to be a hero! which changes everything but I'm gonna be honest, I have not been to church in awhile. I have to work all day on sunday so before everyone gets judgmental lets just calm down.

Well, now you know how i feel about religion and faith. don't get me wrong, I am not some egotistical seventeen year man here just ripping on the very fabric of society, im simply witing my blog
religion has an important and good impact on everyone's life but it also has many negative affects. Nobody can seem to agree on which religion is write and wrong so there are constantly wars being started due to religion. These wars have been going on for thousands of years. hundreds of years ago the crusades began between christians and muslims. The christians invaded muslim lands on religious grounds which now just seems blatantly unessacary.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

#49 family

Family... quite a group of people in everyone's life. they are the people who make fun of you at family holidays and make you harbor a cold and cruel hatred towards the rest of the world. Without family you would not be able to hate everyone and everything on planet earth. i know from experience that family is a lie. They say one thing and mean another. Everyone says family is supposed to love you but I have figured it out. Family is supposed to make everything about your life suck. Let's talk about brothers.

Families do many things together including holidays and vacations. they even go to each others baseball games. I know as a fact that everyone wants to go to my games and watch me destroy the opposing team. There has never been a team that can stand up to my amazing skills and walk away alive. When I make contact with the ball it never stops flying. For instance, I hit a ball once, and its still in orbit. Scientists at NASA believe it will continue to orbit the planet for another two thousand years. The MLB has named me the top prospect in the draft when I turn eighteen. I will most likely be drafted first pick and paid a hefty salary in the major leagues.

Dan Reiser, one of the greatest pitchers to ever step up on the mound, got destroyed by me. he had nothing on me. I purposely let him get an 0-2 count on me. Then I knew he would throw a curveball and I hit it so hard that it caught fire as it left our solar system. I then saluted the American flag in center field, entered my '97 malibu, and drove off into the sunset.

Ok I admit, I may have sidestepped the family in this blog and written about baseball instead but baseball is more fun than family, on any given day. I also understand that some of this may sound a bit far fetched but i assure you, it is all true. Just watch ESPN every night and watch my high lights.

Monday, April 12, 2010

# 48 Spring Break

Last week I was on Spring Break. I would have to say it was a very enjoyable Spring Break. I spent most of my time doing baseball stuff even though we kept getting rained out for some reason. It rained a little bit each game day so we kept getting rained out. Needless to say I was not afraid to be a hero and would have played in the rain but was not allowed to.

I started my Break off with a horrible movie... the Last Song. I swear it is god awful so don't ever go see it. Right after school I went to baseball practice and we got out half an hour early so I thought it would be a good night. However, I was horribly mistaken. It was literally one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. For once I wish I was afraid to be a hero so that I didn't go. Oh well... It's over now so there is nothing i can do about it.

I had baseball every day over break so it sucked that we kept getting rained out. I wanted to play but we never got too. Out of about seven games we only got to play three of them. We played pretty well but still lost one of the games. ow that I'm back in school I have a game literally every day possible for the next three weeks. It will be interesting.

Over break I was able to sleep in for te first time since Christmas break. I usually get up for school at six thirty every morning. Over break I got up everyday around seven thirty. I know, I know... quite an improvement but its much better than six thirty. It doesn't matter that I actually got less sleep because I stayed out much later than normal.

We also took a baseball trip to Tuscola and stayed the night in a hotel. the three other people in my room were hilarious and we had fun. i spent some time in the hot tub and pool while playing with the coaches three young kids.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

#49 my job shadowing experience

My job shadowing experience was rather dull and boring. I went to the County Building, the state's attorney's office. I was not able to do many things because the legal system is a complex system that takes time to get things rolling. Mr. milhiser was unable to show us around because his case, the same case that i was supposed to watch, was taking a long time. It was not his fault he was busy, it was necessary for him to sit through the jury selection, which from what I hear is more boring than watching paint dry. So a nice man by the name of Bill Davis sat with me and my group and tried his best to entertain us. he answered questions for about an hour and then took us into a case where a man was on trial for some sort of battery and aggression. He was found not guilty.

Mr. Davis then took us back to the room and answered more questions for another hour. Then he took us on a tour of the building which was interesting. I met a few judges and naturally they loved me. I even met some cool lawyers and everyone answered my questions politely and agreed that I would be the best Supreme Court Chief Justice that America has ever had, and will ever have.

For lunch Mr. Davis (from now on referred to as bill) walked to Jimmy John's with me and Jeremy. I got a delicious sandwhich and a refreshing cherry coke. I also had a PBJ that I had baked myself. We went back to the grand jury conference room and ate lunch with other lawyers. They were all joking around and we met a man named Jeffrey. He told everyone his stories which were absolutely ridiculous. They were about experiences he had when he was in law school and some were from Georgia. Jeffrey was the most interesting part of the day.

I would not be surprised if I spent two thirds of my day in the conference room with Bill. The poor guy did his best but he was thrown a curve ball and did not know what to do. We were supposed to sit in on a child rapist case where a man was being prosecuted for supposedly raping a child. However, the main person in the bulding said we would not be able to sit in on the case even though we were already in there. he sent a rahter nasty lady to take us out of the room. I'll be honest she was not very pleasant and she gave a lot of attitude to Bill.many peropl said we could sit in but since the main guy said no, it terminated that idea.

So, of course i went back into the conference room with Bill and was asked more questions. I finally just left and went home because there was nothing to do and i had a baseball game. it felt good to get out of there and re-enter my life. I went home and then headed out to baseball, but that is beside the point.

Friday, March 19, 2010

#47 Lit project so far

Here is another update for my project. We have been analyzing many poems and trying to write reviews on poems and other literary works. It has been very difficult for us and we are doing are best to finish on time. Both my partners, John and Cori, are doing very well. I have no complaints about them and I think that they are working very hard. The three of us are getting along well and we are all on the same page as far as the project goes. We hope to finish up inn the next few days so that we can be done with it. I won't lie, I don't like this very much because it is challenging, but at the same time i understand that it is a good experience and i will benefit greatly. I am glad that I got these two as partners because we are doing very well together. It is not just one person doing all the work. We are all contributing to the over all success of our group.

Currently, Cori is gone from class so it is just me and John. THat is a bold strategy for cori because she is the one that knows exactly whats going on. John and I are just gonna try and get as much stuff done today as possible. That is the best we can do. We have a little less than an hour so as soon as I finish up this blog we are gonna be ready to rock. I am glad that we are all getting along and doing work. I have heard that some groups are falling behind and we are actually on top of things. If I had to guess I would say we are about halfway done, if not a little more than that. It is nice to know we are moving along at a decent pace. That is all I have for now, keep checking my blog out because you know me, I always have something interesting to say.

Friday, March 12, 2010

#46 my favorite car

My favorte car would have to be my 1997 Chevy Malibu. It is black and I'm pretty sure that the only special features about it are that it has cup holders. Allow me to describe it in more detail.

The parts of my car were built by Hephaestus in the forge of Mount Olympus. Under extreme heat he molded the steel together and formed the outline of my Malibu. Then, it was shipped off to the Cherokee Tribes of north America where they put their magic to use. They even helped paint the outside with their natural paints that never fade. That was nice of them. From their it was sent to car dealership to car dealersip waiting for the right person to by it. unfortunately a woman bought it and did not realize that when a car runs out of oil in the engine you can't drive it. So, my car was horribly destroyed. However, it was placed in the hands of a nice mechanic named Brent. Who helped fix my car. Brent was then contacted by my father, Richard Vaninger II. My father bought this car from Brent at a very nice price. Brent is currently fixing mycar right now because it loves to fall apart.

The important thing here is that I'm not afraid to be a hero. I'll survive without my car a little while longer. My car and i have gone on many adventures together, such as when we flew to the moon and back. There was also the time we raced Speed Racer in his Mach 5 car and won. Speed Racer is not as tough as he looks. When he falls behind he doesn't give up, he is very tenacious but he was no match for me and my Malibu.

After the race we were given the Medal of Honor for our bravery because Speed Racer was mad that he lost so he started a forest fire. My car and I put it out and saved a whole village of Cherokee, Ironically enough it was the same village of Cherokee that helped make my car so we had a large celebration.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

#45 American Literature SIte

I'm going to be honest, I do not like this project very much. In fact, I think it is stupid because I don't know whats going on. Needless to say i am not afraid to be a hero. Since I don't know what is going on I'm just doing my best to help my group. I am not complaining because I think the basic idea of the project is interesting and much better than typing our poem analysises. It is definately more interesting making a website than any other idea I have for going about this project besides not doing it, which I would love to do. Again, I know its out of character for me, but I am not complaining. I am not afraid to be a hero and i like a challenge.

Mr. Langley seems to enjoy assigning impossibly difficult projects that take a lot of time and effort to complete. These projects are also very compplicated and unecessarily difficult. For instance, let's take a look at my speech project. I have to work with kids from around the world doing research on Gesture Based Computing under the sub category of Innovation. Yes, challenging. Especially because we are all on different time zones. However, this project will be a great life lesson and i take great pride in the fact that I'm in the first group ever to do this at Pleasant plains High School. I'm leading the charge for my high school into the next modern age of interaction and project management. Perhaps I will get a statue erected in my honor, or they will pay me a very large sum of money for being such a legend. Better yet, maybe they will do both. If they do decide to make a statue it should be made of pure diamond, and it should portray me with an american flag charging forward. Its the least that could be done. Unfortunately this won't happen... maybe after I've been dead for awhile. THat seems to Happen alot.