Friday, August 28, 2009

Journal #1, How the World was Made

The Story "How the World was made" exemplifies other Native American literature because it uses alot of animals and nature smbols. native Americans are very spiritual people in the sense that their gods come from nature. Also, the way they describe events that shape the world like the sun being made are told in stories featuring animals. "How the World was Made" is no different. For example, when the land was about to harden the animals sent out the father of the buzzards to see if the land was ready to live on. However, the land was still too soft and the great Buzzard's wings caused mountains and valleys to form by flapping his wings too close to the ground. The Cherokee country is full of mountains and valleys and the flapping of the Great Buzzard's wings was how they were able to describe the formation of these landmarks.
"How the World was made" also shows some examples of native American hospitality and mannerisms. When they animals were finally able to settle on the land, it was dark all the time. To solve this problem they got the sun and put it above the Earth. However, it was too hot and was burning things. So, the animals worked together until they were able to get it at just the right height. This can be taken as saying that the Cherokee are considerate and try to help others with their problems when they can. "How the World was made" uses symbolism and mannerisms which shows how well it exemplifies native American Literature.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

symbolism in Grapes of Wrath

I noticed the most, and in my opinion, best examples of symbolism in The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinback. First, Rose of Sharon't pregnancy was an important one. It represents a new start for the Joad family. Many of their group died or left. The new baby would fill in a hole and give them a second chance. Also, it represents the next piece of the family coming through. The grandparents had died but this baby would be the next generation.
Second, The Joad family's dog was hit by a car. This was important because it was a wake up call for them. They had thought that everything would be perfect in California. They assumed the people would be nice, their would be lots of work, and they would fit in well. The dog getting hit showed that things would not be as they had dreamed. in fact, things would be exactly the opposite for them.
Finally, the last piece of symbolism shows how mankind never gives up. The Joads and thousands of other familes had lost virtually everything. They had little money and supplies. However, they held their heads up and kept moving forward. When they realized California was not what they had thought, they did their best to find work and food. The locals and the police were cruel to them but they didn't let their spirits fall. This shows how mankind never gives up even when things are going poorly for them. Steinback showed how miserable things were for the joads and other families but at the same time shows how they still have pride.